Title Update 3 for Ghost Recon Wildlands is being released this week – Wednesday morning for consoles and Friday morning for PC. This is the second major patch since launch following Title Update 2 two weeks ago, and we’re only just over a month into the game’s release.

This time, I don’t feel quite as much has been patched and changed. There are stability and smoothness fixes and some refinements to the game but not all the bug crunching from last time. But the biggest new addition is the support for Live Season Challenges which will be arriving next week on Tuesday 18 April.

Live Season Challenges are weekly challenges to keep the game fresh and provide anybody who’s perhaps completed the game or finding it a bit stale a reason to come back and try to complete something extra.

If you don’t want to read through all the notes (linked below), I’ve recorded a video explaining the changes for you.

For me, the issue I occasionally experience where I can’t deploy my drone or use binoculars hasn’t been fixed yet, but I don’t get that often and there’s not a lot else I’ve found issue with in the game.

As always, if you’ve experienced any issues with the game, please leave a comment below. You can also post bugs and issues on the Ubisoft forum for Ghost Recon Wildlands here:


The patch notes are available in detail on Ubisoft’s website at the Ghost Recon Wildlands blog (link below), or you can watch my video walk through of the patch where I’ll do all the reading and give you my comments on some of the more significant fixes and enhancements.
