I like the opening of this video. There was this perfect opportunity to start things off with something interesting, and while running back to camp Arthur happens across a couple of guys trying to open a safe in the middle of nowhere. What’s that? Sure… we...
Javier left us up north of Valentine at the end of the last episode after robbing that homestead. Seeing as how we have a long ride back, we may as well take something with us for Pearson, so we go finding some game to slap on the back of our horse. En route back to...
Before we do some bounty hunting in this episode and go after Joshua Brown, we’re coming down from Grizzlies from the last episode with our perfect elk pelt. So where do we take it, to Pearson at camp or to a trapper? Hmm… Anyway, after that decision, we...
An American Pastoral Scene, we head north-east of Strawberry to find Micah Bell who has a great idea to rob a bank coach before it reaches Strawberry. On the way we find a trapper, pay off our $215 bounty in West Elizabeth, we might have found the location of the...