Well you can ignore that reference to the last episode, as I had to replay the mission and miss all the cruft, so it wasn’t as long as the original would’ve been. Neyse, Buell’s only gone and got himself left behind somehow so we need to go and pick...
Before we continue the next story mission with Micah in Annesburg, there seem to be a number of side missions to tidy up first, right? The first of which is to see Leopold Strauss at camp and see who needs to repay the loan he arranged with them. So we need to go over...
While we’re over near Strawberry, it seems worthwhile attempting the challenge to As we approach Strawberry though, we reach the stables, and I impulse buy a new horse to replace faithful but slow old Spotty, a thoroughbred. And we call him… Rob Beckett....
Like I said in the last episode, we’ll ride up to the north-west corner of the map where we found the tesla coil previously, and revisit Willard’s Rest, which was abandoned the first time we went there. But it seems there’s a stranger there we need...
It’s the dead of night and we’re going to show this fisherman some manners! But then while we plan to go up too Willard’s Rest to find the stranger mission, we actually get distracted (no, really!) first of all looking round the fort and finding some...