Making a start with things properly in Caimanes, we take on a Network Antenna side mission. They’re easy by now, right? OMG it gets off to a terrible start – twice! But can we get it done and move on? Will we complete it? Watch on to find...
There’s a lot going on in this episode! So we leave Barvechos behind and move to Caimanes. We get the mission briefing from Bowman, take a perfect snipe shot on a medication convoy, find loads of intel (which we need early in the province) and pick up the EXPS3...
So much going on today – we steal a plane (check out my landing!), we raid Montuyoc’s MASSIVE base for +5 skill points, and intimidate a sicario leader back in Barvechos. We’re getting...
Back into Barvechos for more skill points and side missions, hoping to raise our XP enough to take us to the next level (which gives us more skill points). End up stealing a helicopter then defending a rebel radio and taking down something like six or seven...
I had a great plan to circle round, do a couple of side missions and grab some skill points. That didn’t work out quite right though, when I went to the first side mission – network antennas – mistaking it for a network relay station, it ended up...