This is an aptly named mission A Short Walk in a Pretty Town pretty much describes exactly what happens here, and we lose our first gang member… to death. So we meet with Bill, Sean and Micah in Rhodes and begin grumbling about what a stupid idea it was to play...
Back at camp, I really want to go hunting with Charles but he doesn’t seem to be around. So I guess we’re going out with someone else. But before that happens, Susan makes an Item Request which we’re fortunately able to fulfil immediately because she...
I know, yawn – this video has a boring title. But these are necessary endeavours to progressing the game for Arthur to learn new skills and fishing with Kieran on this occasion is one of them. Fresh of a two week recovery after the brutal last episode, Arthur was laid...
I knew it, I KNEW IT! When you do a Micah Bell mission, it’s always… interesting. Apparently the O’Driscolls want to have a parley to get things settled between Colm and Dutch. Turns into a mess, you could say. This is an awesome episode and I...
As we’re near Valentine I thought we should check in on that father and his sons who were building a house. But I can’t find them. I thought I knew where they were, but in my short search I come across something more interesting instead… the familiar...