Back up in the north-east corner of the map at Willard’s Rest, we find Charlotte again, the widow we taught to hunt and survive. She’s practising her shooting which is frankly terrible, but we show her how to kill some of those wretched bottles that have...
Hamish Sinclair “the veteran” needs us over at O’Creaghs Run, so that’s where we’re heading. When we get there, it’s fishing time – now I remember – he did offer to take us out fishing when we helped him out originally. Fortunately,...
On our way to find Arthur Londonderry to collect his debt, we pass the veteran’s cabin by O’Creaghs Run and drop in to say “hi”, except he’s not in. So we obviously help ourself to all his stuff and find a cigarette card out back. I mean...
Just a short ride from the stranger in our last episode, we find J. John Weathers, who owes us some money. Turns out he’s being hunted by the army for being a deserter, so naturally we have to defend ourselves (and him) from the hoard that have been sent to...
Before we continue the next story mission with Micah in Annesburg, there seem to be a number of side missions to tidy up first, right? The first of which is to see Leopold Strauss at camp and see who needs to repay the loan he arranged with them. So we need to go over...