Season 6 week 2 solo challenge 3, the final challenge for this week and it’s a quick and fun one. It’s pretty straightforward: Kill Santa Blanca soldiers with CQC in Extreme difficulty, without being seen throughout all the challenge. I mention this in the...
Time for the season 6 week 2 second solo challenge. This one’s probably straightforward, right? Kill Santa Blanca soldiers with a single grenade explosion without being seen. No difficulty restrictions, the main thing is to not be seen… and get three guys...
It’s season 6 week 2 and we’re still sorting out Santa Blanca. The first challenge is as follows: In Montuyoc, manually deactivate the drone jammer and generators without being seen, without dying and without killing any enemies throughout the challenge....
This is just a province completion episode. The usual, you know! But we’re not leaving our previous mission location until we’ve got everything, so we pick up the regular HTI sniper rifle, some skill points and a Kingslayer file. Then it’s time to...
This is the final mission in Montuyoc, but I kick off the episode collecting some nearby items before kicking that off, starting with a couple of Kingslayer files. Then moving down to Choza Padre town to collect the TAR-21 AR, the hip fire spread bonus medal, and it...