Man, this is another one of those sneaking missions where you can’t get spotted or you fail. Remember “Bad Publicity”? Man, this better not be that crap all over...
We have a mission to hack Nidia Flores’ laptop, then we go and break into her house. If she wasn’t in Peru, she’d be mad! Oh yeah, she has a full on play room in her...
We’re finishing off this mission and extracting the asset. We also find the ATPIAL Laser Sight for handguns, and try intimidating a sicario leader while using him as a human shield. Good...
Now we’re in Barvechos, we’re tackling our first proper story mission. This one’s a long one, with multiple parts, so it’ll span a couple of episodes. We’re trying to locate El Pulo’s right-hand man so we can get closer to him and...