This is Season 7 Week 2 and the first solo challenge for this week sounds straightforward. It goes… In Monte Puncu, find an APC and use it to destroy 7 Santa Blanca vehicles in a row without dying. But who spends any time in Monte Puncu? I couldn’t even...
This is the second episode for this mission where I wanted to give it a bit of extra time without rushing it to stay stealthy. See how THAT turns out. Then we jump into the HUGELY nerfed APC, which is now next to useless. Nowhere near as much armour, reduced fire rate...
I’ve decided to switch things up a little bit and get a move on with the game; less sneaking, more action. We’re still going to pick up everything, and try not to get spotted if possible, but sometimes we’ll just go in guns blazing and get things...
Our first look at Montuyoc province with this first mission where we go ham with an APC we find lying around. This thing’s dangerous! The mission: Steal intel about the cartel’s training activity from a mountainside...