There’s not a lot to say about this episode, but let me sum it up by saying… We meet up with Dutch and Micah in Annesburg just as Leviticus Cornwall’s boat is coming into dock. We stake it out as it lands, and we watch before Dutch confronts Cornwall...
I enjoy kicking off an episode with some excitement. At the beginning of the last one we were attacked by a cougar, and this time the Murfree Brood are ambushing us on the road. Of course we prevail, and ride on to Annesburg to go and find Edith Downes for a second...
I don’t know if this is related to progress in the game, but it seems impossible to ride anywhere without being attacked by a large predator, and at the start of this episode – to keep things interesting – it’s a cougar. After dispatching that, we ride on...
On our way to find Arthur Londonderry to collect his debt, we pass the veteran’s cabin by O’Creaghs Run and drop in to say “hi”, except he’s not in. So we obviously help ourself to all his stuff and find a cigarette card out back. I mean...
Continuing The Noblest of Men, and a Woman stranger side mission thing we started in Valentine long ago (this is the one where we had to find the legendary gunslingers… that one) we’ve been asked by Jim Boy Calloway to ride up to Annesburg and capture Slim...