You know those hints in Ghost Recon: Wildlands that appear when the game’s loading? There are 90 91 96 of them, and it takes AGES to scroll through them, and even longer to read them all.
[Update: All 96 hints are also available from the PAUSE screen in-game, where you can scroll through them at your leisure and much quicker than from the loading screen – or read them below…]
Now you can read them any time because I’ve gone through them all and posted them on this page for you. Enjoy!
[Update: There were originally 90 hints, but as of Title Update 4 on 17/18 May 2017, there are now 91 hints. Added 74 “Stealth swim”.]
[Update: Well with Title Update 5 on 28 June 2017, we now have 96 hints including the new Tier One hints 92-96.]
1/96 – Parachuting
With the right skill unlocked, you can parachute from aircraft using X, or base jump from any elevated surface using A.
2/96 – Plane Landing
Hold to brake when approaching a landing zone.
3/96 – Alarm
Alarms call enemy helicopters. Destroy their power boxes to disable them.
4/96 – Alarmed car
Some cars are equipped with alarms. You can shoot them to create a diversion.
5/96 – Drone jammer
Drone jammers disable any drone in the area. Destroy them with explosives or turn them off.
6/96 – Power generator
Destroy or turn off a power generator to shut down all of the surrounding electrical defenses.
7/96 – Automatic door
Some camp entrances open automatically for vehicles of the appropriate faction.
8/96 – Light panel
Enemies use light panels to detect you and to blind you at night. Destroy the panels’ power boxes to disable them.
9/96 – SAM systems
Surface-to-air missiles can quickly destroy your aircraft. Fly low to avoid being targeted.
10/96 – Ping
In co-op, highlight a tactical position by placing . Press A when aiming at this position or use the drone or binoculars.
11/96 – Mission assist
Helping people with finished or locked missions awards XP, but it doesn’t count towards your progress.
12/96 – Order Wheel
In Coop, the Fire, Hold, Go To and Regroup commands of the Order Wheel are replaced by messages to send to your teammates.
13/96 – Intel caches
Intel caches give information about optional missions and hidden equipment cases.
14/96 – Skill Points
Skill Points are required to unlock new skills.
15/96 – Weapons Case
Weapons Cases unlock a specific weapon.
16/96 – Accessory Case
Accessory Cases unlock weapon upgrades.
17/96 – Bonus Medal
Bonus Medals unlock a unique bonus for a certain skill.
18/96 – Fast Travel
You can use Rallypoints and towns as travel points in the TACMAP.
19/96 – Santa Blanca Cartel
The highly-trained members of the Santa Blanca drug cartel will try to kill you. So kill them first.
20/96 – Captured rebels
In enemy camps, free rebels to allow them to help you.
21/96 – Unidad
Unidad troops are the deadly Bolivian army forces. Use caution when engaging them.
22/96 – Patrol levels
Unidad Patrol levels can go up to four . The higher the level, the better it is to avoid direct confrontation.
23/96 – Surrendering enemies
Killing surrendering enemies can lead to a game over.
24/96 – Swap accessories
You can change your weapon’s accessories while aiming. Hold to aim.
25/96 – Suppressor
Aim with and press
to mount or remove your weapon’s suppressor.
26/96 – Scope
Aim with and press
to adjust the zoom level or mode of the scope on your weapon.
27/96 – Trigger
Aim with and press
to adjust the firing mode of your current weapon.
28/96 – Grenade launcher
Aim with and press
to select your weapon’s grenade launcher.
29/96 – Taking cover
Take cover before engaging in combat to avoid catching bullets
30/96 – Cover
Stick to the surrounding obstacles when moving to get cover.
31/96 – Lean and aim over
When in cover, an arrow displayed around the crosshairs means you can lean or aim over an obstacle using .
32/96 – Shoulder swap
Switch the camera from one side of your character to the other using the button.
33/96 – Order Wheel
Hold to open the Order Wheel, and move
to highlight a skill or order. Press A to initiate.
34/96 – Interrogation
Get close to the target and hold X to grab him. Then press Y to interrogate him.
35/96 – Helicopter types
There are several helicopter types: smaller models have a great maneuverability, wheres attack helicopters can bring the pain.
36/96 – Helicopter flying
To move forward with a helicopter, press and
37/96 – Helicopter weaponry
In a helicopter equipped with front-facing weapons, hold A to fire.
38/96 – Helicopter camera
Press to center the camera behind your helicopter.
39/96 – Quick turn
Release while using
to perform a quick turn.
40/96 – Item change
You have different throwable and deployable items to help you in every situation. Press to change the equipped item.
41/96 – Mines
Press to put a mine on the ground and guard your back.
42/96 – Diversion Lure
Use Diversion Lures to distract enemies near the explosion.
43/96 – C4
Press to place a charge, and hold
to set it off.
44/96 – Flashbang
Use Flashbangs to blind a group of enemies.
45/96 – Flare gun
Use the flare gun to illuminate your surroundings and to create diversions that attract Unidad.
46/96 – Select mission
Press to open the TACMAP. Then press Y to access the unlocked missions.
47/96 – Investigation
Investigate major intel to unlock new story missions.
48/96 – Cartel takedown
You can take down the cartel underbosses in any order you want.
49/96 – Operation heads
When you eliminate two out of four operation heads, El Sueño will react, and you can reach him.
50/96 – Province difficulty
Some provinces are harder than others. Difficulty is ranked between one and five in the TACMAP.
51/96 – Progression
Assist rebel forces, improve your skills, and get better equipment before facing more difficult province bosses.
52/96 – Lieutenant
Specific people give valuable information after a conversation or an interrogation.
53/96 – Supplies
Supplies like are required to unlock skills. Locate caches and conduct Supply Raids to increase your reserves.
54/96 – TACMAP
Press to open the TACMAP menu to view discovered missions, locations, and chests.
55/96 – Rebel Support
Rebel Support Skills are special skills unlocked by conducting Rebel Ops and launched with the Order Wheel RB.
56/96 – Support order
Hold to quickly call for Rebel Support on the battlefield.
57/96 – Vehicle drop-off
Rebel forces can bring you an SUV, a buggy, or a chopper. Conduct the Rebel Ops to unlock.
58/96 – Guns for hire
Rebel forces can support you with an increasing number of fighters. Conduct the Rebel Ops to unlock.
59/96 – Mortar
Rebel forces can support you with powerful mortar strikes. Conduct the Rebel Ops to unlock.
60/96 – Diversion
Rebel forces can create diversions to draw the enemy’s attention. Conduct the Rebel Ops to unlock.
61/96 – Spotting
Rebel forces can recon areas for you and spot enemies. Conduct the Rebel Ops to unlock.
62/96 – Binoculars
Use your binoculars to learn additional information about tactical elements. Press to use them.
63/96 – Drone
The drone can be used to locate enemies and camp defenses. Press to deploy it.
64/96 – Drone types
Upgrade the drone through Skills to allow it to explode, make noise, or sabotage electric devices.
65/96 – Night vision
Night vision allows you to operate in the dark. Press to use them.
66/96 – Thermal vision
Use thermal vision for optimal enemy spotting at night, as well as in daytime.
67/96 – Orders and tools
You can use the Order Wheel holding when using the binoculars or the drone.
68/96 – Rebel Ops
Conduct Rebel Ops to unlock and upgrade Rebel Support Skills.
69/96 – Rebel presence level
The more Rebel Ops you complete, the more rebels will be patrolling, available to provide support.
70/96 – Supply Raids
Conduct Supply Raids and use them to buy or upgrade new Skills.
71/96 – Stance
Different stances help you move stealthily. Press B to crouch, or hold B for a prone position.
72/96 – Dark areas
When using stealth, take advantage of dark areas during both night and day.
73/96 – Lights
Well-lit areas make you easier to detect; make sure you avoid them.
74/96 – Stealth swim
Hold B when swimming to remain under water and make it more difficult for enemies to see you.
75/96 – Vegetation
Use vegetation to your advantage. Crawl through the brush to remain stealthy.
76/96 – Night attacks
Take advantage of the night to neutralize sleeping enemies.
77/96 – Vehicles
Hold X when being near a vehicle to drive or sit as a passenger.
78/96 – Driver
When driving, use to accelerate,
to brake, and A to handbrake.
79/96 – Passenger
Passengers an still use their weapon in several seats, using . Use B to return to your seat.
80/96 – Vehicle types
Each vehicle has its own characteristics. Find the best one to suit to your needs.
81/96 – Vehicle interception
Intercept civilian vehicles by shooting at them or by aiming at their drivers using .
82/96 – Tires
Aim for the tires to slow a vehicle down without destroying it.
83/96 – Trunk
When extracting VIPs do not hesitate to stow them in the trunks of vehicles.
84/96 – Handgun
Press YY to use your handgun.
85/96 – Weapon Selection
You can equip up to three weapons at once. Choose them in LOADOUT and improve them in GUNSMITH.
86/96 – Gunsmith
In the LOADOUT tab, press X to change the selected weapon’s accessories.
87/96 – Full power
Though silent with a suppressor, without one, your weapon will have greater stopped power and penetration.
88/96 – Weapon range
Each weapon has a different optimal range. Choose the one that fits your play style and needs.
89/96 – Ballistics
The father your target is, the more your aim must compensate for bullet drop.
90/96 – Recoil
Some weapons have greater recoil than others. Compensate by moving to the opposite direction.
91/96 – Weapon holstering
To not frighten civilians, hold Y to holster your weapon.
92/96 – Tier One
The Tier One mode increases the game difficulty and gives you access to exclusive rewards. Activate it in the TIER ONE tab once you reach level 30.
93/96 – Tier points
In Tier One mode, complete missions, discover locations, get kills or anything else that normally gives XP to earn Tier Points instead and reach new Tiers.
94/96 – Difficulty and tier
In Tier One, you can no longer use specific difficulty levels when your Tier gets high.
95/96 – Squad tier
The average Tier of the players in your squad gives you supplies and Tier points bonus. The higher it is, the bigger the bonus but the harder the game becomes.
96/96 – Weapon levels
In Tier One, you can upgrade your weapons with supplies. Select a weapon in the LOADOUT tab and press X to access to the upgrade option.
Now you’ve got all the Ghost Recon: Wildlands hints. 😎