This is the final mission in Tabacal province, and it’s another quick one which I’d have like to have stealthed a bit more but it all worked out in the end. Basically, kill three enemy targets. Boom! Then we’ll clear out the province with a few side...
I need to step up my stealth game, DAMN! This mission seemed so straightforward – simply wipe out everyone at the Killasisa Coca Farm. After tagging all the enemies with the drone, you could go in guns blazing, or you could take them down one by one… I...
This episode is all kinds of weird. First, this is the buchon mission for Tabacal where we get to ‘do’ Madre Coca. But it’s in the middle of the mission list, and there are still two more missions to go. Then I don’t think the mission goes...
I already posted a couple of episodes of my GRW Let’s Play showing how I accomplished this solo witches challenge for season 3 and earned the Skull Facial Paint, which is sick – I’m rocking it now! But I thought I’d edited together a more...
Kicking off with a successful Comms Tools convoy for maximum resources, then after we pick up some major intel we have our next story mission; drive the Death Road and capture Madre Coca’s little bitch Salazar. He’s a cocky...
If you found this page because you just want to see how the Witches Challenge is completed, you’re really looking for this summary video here. BE WARNED: This video is part of my playthrough series for Ghost Recon Wildlands, and apparently includes me bumbling...