After removing ourselves from the torture dungeon from the end of the last mission, we bid farewell to Itacua province as we set our sights on Montuyoc for our next...
This is the sixth and final mission in Itacua province, and it’s a pretty gruesome one as we take down the cartel information extractors Yuri and Polito in their basement torture dungeon. The mission: Simply locate Yuri and Polito’s hunting lodge, find and...
This is the fifth mission in Itacua province and before we get in and out of the Unidad base, we take a couple of motorcycles to pick up a skill point as well. It’s on the way! The mission: Infiltrate the Unidad FOB Armadillo and interrogate the base commander...
This is the fourth mission in Itacua province and we’ve got skill points to spend and a crazy yellow Lamborghini to steal – how damaged will it end up with my driving? (It drives a bit twitchy) The mission: Infiltrate a heavily guarded cartel base camp and...
This is the third mission in Itacua province and we’re getting to enjoy helicopters, but sometimes they make things too easy. The mission: Liberate a village and free a prisoner with information about the location of Yuri and...
Our second mission is MUCH harder than it should have been. I make a mess of a few helicopters (that’s becoming my thing) and we find out what a challenge it is on a harder difficulty level with no stealth at all. The mission: Stop a convoy and secure some...