We’ve left Ocoro behind and move into our third province, Agua Verde – where Santa Blanca wines and dines the rich and famous in huge mansions, resorts and...
This is the final story mission in Ocoro province, to take down El Emisario and wrap things up here. We’re back at that buchon house again… Want to see all buchon story missions? View all buchon...
INCREDIBLE! When I approached this mission, it appeared impossible. You may recognise it from my previous episode Midnight prison break and tactical tractor where I investigated this base by accident in a tractor and decided it would be lethal to even mess with it. I...
As we swing around the south of Ocoro province, we’re exploring around this overgrown area before we head back north, so we want to pick up everything down...
While looking for collectables we discover Pachamama Scars, a sad, little village polluted and poisoned by the run-off from cocaine manufacturing. We get into it with the cartel and end up attracting the unwanted attention of Unidad, who just won’t leave us...