We’re straight into the story mission to locate the Santa Muerte sancuary and deal with the “Advisor”. It’s crawling with heavies, but we find a way to cope. Then we accidentally find ourselves wandering into Espiritu Santo Base, which is...
We’re moving into Espiritu Santo today, so we can finally get back to some proper story missions, and we’re introduced to the buchon – La Santera – and learn more about the Santa Muerte cult. Also today we’re activating Tier One, which...
It’s finally time to finish up in Monte Puncu so we can move on to Espiritu Santo in the next episode and get some more story missions done. This is a side mission packed episode, with two Network Relay Stations (super easy if you follow my guide), a Parachute...
I had a whole plan for this episode to start down south and pick our way through the side missions and collectables as we worked north, but nooooooo… after we steal a plane it wants ut to fly it all the way to MEDIA LUNA! We’ve not been to Media Luna yet,...
Apparently, Los Jinetes Locos are so enamoured with my awesomeness that they want me to lead them instead of Tonio. Hardly surprising I guess – he’s pretty weird, and I do have an awesome ‘tache. So Tonio challenges us to beat his time in...