Here’s solo challenge 2 for this week, and it’s another straightforward one – but again – we just need to get creative to avoid it being difficult. In any province use C4 to blow up Santa Blanca’s ground vehicles without being seen and without...
It’s Season 6 of Wildlands challenges and things are changing up a little bit. For four weeks we’re back to the regular format for solo challenges, but with Special Operation 2 came a change in format for challenges overall. We’re now playing for...
It’s time for Special Operation 2 and you’ll remember from Special Operation 1 that we had the Sam Fisher mission and challenges. This mission is a particular challenge because it’s quite buggy, which is a shame because of the time constraint on it....
I know – I’m late to the game with Year 2 updates for Ghost Recon: Wildlands and a lot’s happened since my last proper video or update. But the other day I loaded the game and there was a BIG update – Title Update 15 – available. I download and install the...
This is the edited gameplay of this Crossbow Masters mission. I’ve also got a full length unedited version available. Crossbow Masters – the third and final challenge was probably the most difficult challenge I think they’ve given us. Check out these...