Since the bug at the end of the last episode basically stopped me progressing the story and opening up the world properly, I decided to explore a little and do what I could by collecting parts, water and food. There’s not much else to say for this episode, but...
This is one of the best episodes yet – no joke! We start out in the bayou heading back to camp where we catch some animals and pick up an Acuna’s Star Orchid. I try not to get distracted as we head through Saint Denis and I explain what happened when I lost my...
You’ll see why this is part 1 of The Grand Washington Hotel at the end of the video… there’s a bit of a bug! But this is the first main mission in the Open Beta, and unfortunately, bug or not, you have to complete it before the game will let you...
As we’re already in the saloon in Van Horn where there’s a Blackjack game, let’s play a little. Why not? Ooh – and I earn the Hobby Horse achievement for playing all the mini games. Bonus! Next though we’re going to head south to find...
Heading out from The White House to the Theater Settlement to meet Odessa Sawyer and get our first mission. Basically wasting Hyenas on the way. Gotta start somewhere, right? And at level 1 and 2 everything is pretty weak. Just gotta kick this game off looting what...