I feel like just hotting a load of Hyena controlled territory solo today, so first stop is Fallen Cranes to take that over. Then across the east of the map to a couple more control points where I get a little stuck picking up a key that seems to have glitched into a...
We get a perfect bison pelt! So before we can go and meet Eagle Flies to do American Fathers II at Cornwall Kerosene & Tar, we have to take this skin to the “nearest” trapper. But it’s a bit of a way. Anyway, so once that’s done we can do...
This episode is mainly mopping up little things on the map. After heading to the safe house and out to get SHD Tech it’s up to discover an unknown activity which turns out to be… a Propaganda Broadcast tower. These are quite fun, similar to the Rebel Radio...
Finally, I find the stranger by the pond in Saint Denis and speak to him. His name is Professor Marko Dragic and he’s pretty hilarious in his funny Balkan way. So he has some experimental radio controlled boats… weaponised I might add. I knew that station...
We begin in the Theater Settlement spending SHD Tech points to buy some skills, perks and weapon mods before heading out to do the MLK Library Community mission. This Open Beta has a lot of bugs, but various sounds stopping working is one of the main ones, as...