This is the fourth mission in Itacua province and we’ve got skill points to spend and a crazy yellow Lamborghini to steal – how damaged will it end up with my driving? (It drives a bit twitchy) The mission: Infiltrate a heavily guarded cartel base camp and...
This is the third mission in Itacua province and we’re getting to enjoy helicopters, but sometimes they make things too easy. The mission: Liberate a village and free a prisoner with information about the location of Yuri and...
So I’ve just started posting videos which is a lot of fun, and I kind of know what I think I have time for this year but I don’t want to over promise anything. Then why bother writing this post? Well it’s only February, which makes it a good time to...
Our second mission is MUCH harder than it should have been. I make a mess of a few helicopters (that’s becoming my thing) and we find out what a challenge it is on a harder difficulty level with no stealth at all. The mission: Stop a convoy and secure some...
You know those hints in Ghost Recon: Wildlands that appear when the game’s loading? There are 90 91 96 of them, and it takes AGES to scroll through them, and even longer to read them all. [Update: All 96 hints are also available from the PAUSE screen in-game,...