TL;DR I found only some minor issues using this app and the game map is super useful while playing – especially viewed on a tablet – but it will of course drain your battery. The in-app Guerilla game is a fun and handy way to increase your resources in...
Moving down to the lake in Montuyoc province we sloppily execute an ambush, and end up bundling a dude into the boot of a stolen car. Yeah! The mission: Locate and extract a deserter from the cartel training camps who can tell us more about their...
Our first look at Montuyoc province with this first mission where we go ham with an APC we find lying around. This thing’s dangerous! The mission: Steal intel about the cartel’s training activity from a mountainside...
Wow! So Ubisoft just dropped a load of information about what they’ve got planned for Ghost Recon: Wildlands after it launches, and they’re kicking off with a first patch on release day to address some feedback they’ve received from the two betas...
After removing ourselves from the torture dungeon from the end of the last mission, we bid farewell to Itacua province as we set our sights on Montuyoc for our next...