Knocked another story mission Submarine Fleet 3 on the head in Caimanes today, and tried a great tactic for stopping convoys without damage, by using the EMP drone. See how it...
I previously compiled a huge list of all 90 of the Ghost Recon: Wildlands hints, and now the Narco Road DLC is out, it has its own list of hints. Previously there were 90 hints, so it was very worthwhile listing them all in one place for your reference. This time...
I’ve confirmed a pretty massive bug on Xbox One which is sadly affecting my gameplay. If you play on another account, apparently all your progress gets merged, which sucks. Waiting for Ubisoft to fix this in Title Update 4. Meanwhile, we do The Prototype story...
This scope is described in the game as:] Adjust the electronic zoom while aiming. You can find it in southern Monte Puncu province, at a makeshift airfield atop a hill. There’s a “Gasoline Air Transport” side mission here to steal the plane. The...
This gun is described in the game as: Most powerful semi-auto handgun in the world. You can find it in north-west Libertad province, inside FOB Oso Hormiguero – a large Unidad base. The weapons case is inside the armoury to the east edge of the base. This is...