We’re onto week 5 of the season 1 Unidad challenges, and today our goal sounds straightforward. In Libertad, kill eight Unidad heavies using C4. Unidad heavies are the ones with the different icon above their heads, wearing body armour and sporting LMGs. The...
The long barrel is simply described as: Increases muzzle velocity It can be found in north-west Pucara province at an air strip on the snowy mountainside. A “Medication Air Transport” side mission is nearby to steal a plane. There are eight tangos here in...
The MPX is described as: A quality SMG with decent range. You can pick it up north-west of central Mojocoyo province, at a Santa Blanca cocaine hideout. The “Western Cocaine Cache” story mission is nearby. The weapons case is on the balcony of a building...
I can’t eblieve it, but we’ve completed all three of this weeks solo challenges in a single episode! Blowing up power generators with explosive drones Sync shot Unidad soldiers Blowing Unidad away with mortar fire All...
This magazine can be found in western Flor de Oro province, in a Unidad Military Hospital. The accessory case is inside the armoury in the middle of the base. I approached from the road to the east. There’s a drone jammer here, so it’s very difficult to...